Eklavya Chopra
eklavyachopra.com | ec18may@gmail.com Github | LinkedIn | 8076049956
Programming: Python,C++, SQL, git, HTML/CSS
Familiar: MATLAB, R, Javascript, Mathematica
Cluster Innovation Center, Delhi - Bachelor of Technology (2017-present)
- Information Technology and Mathematical Innovations
- Systems Biology (Minor), Expected July 2021.
Cluster Innovation Center, Delhi - Research Intern (MAY 2019 - AUG 2019)
- Performed statistical analysis on tuberculosis infection data.
- Worked on CNN based Deep Learning models for classifying frontal Chest X-rays for diagnosis for pulmonary tuberculosis using tensorflow.
DRDO, Delhi - Research Intern (MAY 2018 - JUL 2018)
- Created mathematical models to simulate the spread of an infection in a population.
- Analysed the different scenarios and factors for an infection to cause an epidemic.
Predicting Solar Power Generation from Meteorological Parameters
- Created a neural network model for predicting solar power generation using meteorological parameters.
- Performed comparative analysis with various machine learning algorithms.
- Technology/Tools: Python, Matlab, WEKA
Cancer Classification using Gene Expression Data
- Worked in a 2 person team to implement classification and feature extraction methods on cancer datasets.
- Technology/Tools: Python
COVID-19 : Bioinformatic Analysis
- Performed Comparative analyses of SARS-CoV-2 genomes from different geographical locations and other coronavirus family genomes
- Technology/Tools: Python, Biopython, CLustalX2
- Selected as one of the Top 5 teams out of 60 teams in Hackathon IDEA HACK.
- Semi Finalist in Coding Competition consisting of debugging, competitive coding and blind coding at Hansraj College.